CEGRAD has five core strategic priority areas for 2019 to 2022. These are:
PRIORITY AREA 1: Strengthen Teaching and Research in the Area of Gender
- Organise workshops on qualitative research and methodology for lecturers and graduate students
- Make input into software requirement for gender sensitive research for staff and students
- Organise training on software for gender sensitive research
- Create a data base of staff and students’ publications on gender for CEGRAD library & university online library resource
- Provide a fully equipped gender resource e- materials for CEGRAD library
- Subscribe to journals in the area of gender studies by cegrad
- Audit gender related publication of faculty in UCC based on capacity, research grants and citations
- Build an interactive gender related research and publication database for CEGRAD
- Institute annual awards schemes on gender to foster team work in researching and adhering to gender sensitivity
- Establish an online database system of international research collaborations for cegrad
- Develop a roadmap to improve CEGRAD research fellows and affiliates research ranking on recognised international platforms
- Promote publication of gender related research in recognised journals by faculty within the university
- Subscribe to journals in the area of gender studies by cegrad
- Institutionalize periodic alert on faculty publishing in gender related journals
PRIORITY AREA 2: Create Conducive Environment for Teaching, Learning and Work
- Promote gender sensitivity of lecturers and university administration to respond to student and staff needs
- Promote gender sensitivity of staff all units and department in charge of dealing with students with special needs to support teaching and learning
- Make input into policies concerning staff and students engagement
- Develop handbook on gender for the university
- Organise sexual harassment and gender-based violence awareness programmes for students, Lecturers, the sexual harassment committee and the general university community
- Strengthen redress of sexual harassment and gender-based violence in the university community
- Develop online reporting system for sexual harassment and gender-based violence
- Institute online data gathering system for sexual harassment and gender-based violence
- Procure apps for redressing sexual harassment and gender-based violence and research
- Strengthen human resource management
- improved sanitation facilities that adequately caters for both genders and persons with disability
- Advocate for nursing rooms for staff and students
- Advocate for seats that are pregnancy and disability compliant
- Advocate for the provision of staff and students with recreational facilities that respond to their gender needs
- Advocate for disability compliant parking spaces
- Undertake a gender audit of the university staff needs
- Advocate for family friendly benefits for male staff
PRIORITY AREA 3: Saff Development
- Support female faculty in the university to improve their research ranking
- Build capacity of CEGRAD staff on writing research and grant awards proposals
- Promote co-authorship
- Recruit international researchers with significant track
- Attract and collaborate with international academics with track record in gender research
- Undertake sponsorship drive for scholarships for staff
- Establish gender balance in scholarship awards
- Increase scholarship for PhD programmes in the area of gender
- Improve terms and condition of service- Monitor adherence to ILO, Provisions on gender discrimination and maternity protection, Monitor adherence to Ghana’s labour act on gender discrimination workshops for staff on labour laws and women’s work rights Organised
PRIORITY AREA 4: Seek Oportunities that will Enhance the Centre's Growth Through Public Engagement
Increase organisational capacity through public relations and partnership development. The guiding items are:
- Undertake research and organise outreach and advocacy activities that places the university as a leader in the achievement of gender equality
- Promote UCC as an equal opportunity institution in recruitment and enrolment of students
- Identify industry, national and international community for gender related activities and research projects
- Showcase the outputs of CEGRADs research activities
- Promote Community-based Social Laboratories
- Subscribe to databases that publicize calls for Research Proposals
- Intensify the promotion of multidisciplinary and international collaborative research and co- authorship on gender issues
- Publicize CEGRAD’s identity and activities
- Develop plan of action for engagement with relevant government units and corporate bodies
- Institutionalize activities with partners and collaborators
- Develop incentive scheme for CEGRAD's partners and collaborators
- Collaborate with other stakeholders and constituents in the university on gender research and advocacy & outreach activities
PRIORITY AREA 5: Monitor Adherence to Engender University Policies and Activities to Position UCC as
- Undertake gender audit of the university community and its activities
- Advocate for a gender sensitive guidelines on the composition of statutory committees
- Update guidelines on roles and responsibilities of the sexual harassment committee
- Promote gender aware leadership development training programmes in University
- Implement recommendation emanating from the gender audit of the devolved decentralised administrative system
- Track the decentralised systems adherence to gender sensitivity
- Develop appraisal mechanisms for monitoring the performance of leaders on gender sensitivity
- Make input mechanisms on mentoring for newly appointed teaching and non-teaching staff
- Create an ombudsperson's office with a CEGRAD representative
- Advocate for increased employment ratio of females
- Encourage the university’s adherence ILO and the labour law provision on employment and labour relations
- Create mechanisms for a gender and family friendly work benefits for teaching and non-teaching staff
- Incorporate gender mainstreaming guidelines into all policies and programmes of the University
- Establish rapid- response system to address all forms of discrimination
- Institute system for monitoring equal opportunities
- Strengthen strategies that provide equal opportunity for all in the University
- Organise gender sensitive ethical practice training in the workplace for staff
- Organise sexual harassment training and sensitisation of its implication for work and learning
- Engender HR policy on recruitment